We're leaving for London in a few hours. In fact, I was just being yelled at to "stop blogging and go pack" by my more organized counterpart. But i'm excited, which means I'll pack with speed and grace. So he can suck it. I don't know why he seems more stressed than I am. I'm the one meeting the parents. ::cue foreboding music::
In fact, we've already sort-of met. We've Skyped on numerous occasions and his mom and I keep up a fairly good email volley. I feel like I know them, but in-person adds a whole new element. Well, lots of elements. Some good, some bad. For example, I'm one of those people who no matter how decent I'm looking in reality, webcams make me appear to have a chromosomal disorder. Hopefully they'll be relieved that their son isn't dating the missing link. But what if they think i'm weirdly tall? Or that I'm annoyingly American. I mean, we have a bad reputation for a reason. Or what if his mom forgets that I hate salmon and I have to excuse myself to the bathroom more times than seems normal, and then they think i have an eating disorder? That could happen.
I don't actually feel that insecure. Parents typically like me, but it did occur to me that there is a slight possibility that I could embarrass myself in some unforeseen way. Or that they'll think that his ex was nicer. ::shudder:: I'm pushing it out of my mind because I have to pack before M blows a gasket. I'll report back in a few weeks on how it all goes. Fingers crossed. Merry Christmas. Oh, and Diane, don't forget that I hate salmon.