
i'm sorry (i'm not sorry)

Not sorry.

I'm constantly saying I'm sorry. I hardly ever mean it. That's because I apologize for everything. Though shockingly, almost never for the things that come out of my mouth. Don't be mistaken, I'm not a pushover, I just have a nasty habit of begging the pardon of strangers whose paths I have the nerve to cross. Oh, did you just crush my foot with your stiletto? I'm sorry! Were you not expecting someone to be waiting for the elevator when you disembarked? I'm sorry! Was my ribcage irritatingly sticking out as you elbowed your way through the crowd? Well actually, under those circumstances, I might say excuse me. Because obviously, I was slowing you down.

There's literally no end to the leeway I give to people who couldn't care less. Unless I'm drunk. In which case, I'll probably throw my drink in your face. I'm not sure what this is about. It's like a knee-jerk reaction I can't seem to stop from leaving my mouth. I'm not really sorry. What would i be sorry for? Existing? No. Is it that I want to be thought of as a nice person, and I have an underlying belief I'm not even aware of that nice people say they're sorry? Doubtful, but it must have a root cause. I'd just like to get to the bottom of it because today I apologized to a man on a unicycle who was in grave danger of losing control of his ridiculous mode of transportation and taking me down with him. I think we all know who was actually at fault here, yet I was the one who apologized. 

It's obvious that I need to get my wanton benevolence under control. I have a reputation to uphold. Not to mention, I'm afraid if i keep up this "I'm sorry" when i'm not sorry routine, I could become someone who actually feels sorry for wrongs that never existed. And that would be pathetic. So that's it, I'm done saying I'm sorry (unless I really, really mean it). I'm just not sure what I'll say instead. Maybe hello.


  1. thinking on the perfect replacement for your needs. there's a bunch of facebook groups and online forums with people advising on alternative, none of which I'm finding helpful. Should be something funny, and shouldn't be confused as an apology. MMM. do you find you say "thank you" too much as well? That's my current burden. I fear the volume of my "thank yous" during a transactional encounter may be crossing the line the from appreciation to patronization. like in the feedline a chipotle I might say "thanks" for giving me scoop chicken that I just asked for, and then they might get another "thank you" for giving me a little bit of sour cream and cheese. certainly better to err on the side of over appreciative than the alternative I guess/hope, I just want to ensure that these people don't think I'm treating them like excited toddlers or smiley old people

  2. i feel you. i've found myself saying thank you to people for coming out of the bathroom stall. what is wrong with us?!
